Minting, Printing & Counterfeiting
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The Trifecta of Making Money during the Civil Era
(May 18, 2021) The latest book in the “Money, Mayhem & Might Saga”™ is titled Minting, Printing & Counterfeiting, just released by Talisman & Coiner Productions, LLC of Hagerstown, Maryland.
Our new book deals with how the profound financial pressures of sustaining a Civil War — in both the North and the South — forced changes in old ways of banking and even making coins and currency. America had never faced such an unprecedented situation — a Civil War costing millions of dollars per day to wage (at its height) and there was no precedent for the burden of paying for such extreme “exigencies of war.”
Available now, “Minting, Printing & Counterfeiting,™” which is the second book in the Saga, explores the impact of the confederacy taking three of the five operating US Mints hostage – virtually cutting in half the North’s ability to produce. And, astoundingly, huge gold and silver strikes iin the West prompted the North to . . . (click here to read more).
(May 19, 2021) Before the Pandemic and the Lockdowns of 2020, the duo of Talisman & Coiner were working on what at the time was a single title: “Money, Mayhem & Might” and the theme of this volume was . . .
. . . the end of the line for the Confederate Treasure Train — became its own full-length book (at nearly 200 Pages). Released in late 2020, “The Furious Flight of the Confederate Treasure Train or Where Did All The Southern Dough Go™” is a combination of political intrigue, the allure of immense wealth hastily piled into fleeing trains during the fall of the “Queen City of the South” on April 2nd of 1865 and the collapse of the Confederacy as the money (and the Rebel leaders of the day) trundled into the Deep South. There is an examination and identification of the types of coin and currency that were in circulation in the era (most gold and silver, with an intriguing reference to copper coins, all put on board waiting trains on the Danville and Richmond line).

Talisman & Coiner’s concerted effort to determine “Where did all the Southern Dough Go?” is also partly a kind of travelogue-following the route and the places that the fleeing trains and wagon trains stopped, fled and doubled – back around to from April 2nd until early May when they were finally captured by the Federals.
Book Number Two: Minting, Printing & Counterfeiting released
Then the second book, released in May of 2021, focused on the “trifecta of making money in the Civil War era” – “Minting, Printed & Counterfeiting™.” Here the main theme is on how the Civil War profoundly changed the production of currency in both the North and the South, as paper money – untethered to either gold or silver – became the mainstay of paying for the massive expenditures of…(click here to read more).
. . . Fake Silver Reales and Gold Farthings — and real Civil War buttons Plus an Appearance in the Chapter by Dr. John Riddell of the New Orleans Mint
(May 20, 2021) In Chapter Nine of the new book — “Minting, Printing & Counterfeiting™” — Talisman & Coiner takes a novel twist at looking at counterfeiting coins in America’s earliest decades — we take a look at the pertinent discoveries made by pioneering metal detectorist Brad Martin, founder of Green Mountain Metal Detecting (GMMD), based in Pownal, Vermont. Brad and his colleagues research colonial and Civil War era homesteads and wagon routes in the Green Mountain State — and traipse deep into the mountains to carefully and painstakingly search for coins and relics from the early days of homesteaders and rugged living.
Brad and his colleagues tape their experiences and share the discoveries on a You Tube channel. He also interprets his finds — and reports on his research, especially when more rare and/or obscure finds make their appearance.
Some of his most startling finds — of what appeared to be early US Silver Dollars, Spanish Reales and gold coins — turned out to be counterfeits; we feature three specimen coins that, had they been genuine, would have been worth a pretty penny — one or two of these finds would have been real “bucket-listers.” Brad carefully cleaned and preserved each specimen — and each showed a base metal that had covered with a fine wash of gold or silver. The decades that the coiins had spent underground had removed some of the wash — and Brad’s careful restoration and photos show this phenomena quite clearly. This technique — used by manufacturers of military buttons dueing the Civil War — was advanced for mass production of “gilt” buttons and jewelry by electroplating — which was beginning to be used to create what is now called “costume jewelry.”
These fakes . . . (click here to read more).